Shaw vs. Philadelphia Newspaper, Inc.
This case involved an employee that was injured by a piece of machinery. We provided expert testimony for injured party.
Murphy vs. McDermott
This case involved an auto accident where a pedestrian was killed while crossing the street. We provided expert testimony for injured party.
Scena vs. Zoubroulis
This case involved a family that sued the contractor that built their new custom house. We provided expert testimony for the property owner.
Costello vs. Fox Roach Realtors
This case involved a home owner that wanted to reverse the sale of the house they purchased. We provided expert testimony for the real estate company.
Joseph McDevitt vs. Murphy
This case involved a property owner that sued a contractor due to the collapse of a building on his property. We provided expert testimony for the property owner.
Polemus vs. Kahmer
This case involved a home owner that was suing a contractor for work performed at their house. We provided expert testimony for the contractor.
Center City Parking LLP vs.City of Philadelphia
This case involved the demolition of an historic building. We provided expert testimony for the property owner.
Concept School vs. State Farm Insurance
This case involved a claim against an insurance company concerning the size of the claim amount for the damages that occurred when a water pipe burst inside of a school building. We provided expert testimony for the school.
DD Builders vs. Rhodes
This case involves a home owner that sued the contractor that built their custom home. We provided expert testimony for the contractor.